Friday, 1 April 2016

April Fools' Day: Did You Fall Today?

African woman Art
Image: Google

It’s a new month. It’s the fourth month. It’s April. It’s April Fools’ Day today.

Happy new month people! I’m not really sure how many folks really read all dhiz my talk-talk, but if you’re reading right now, Happy New Month to you. May the days of this new month be filled with beauty for us. May we always remember that even in challenges, we are loved; Loved by One whose love has no strings attached. Loved by Jehovah. 

Dunno about you but I fell… Again! After I vowed last year never to fall, I fell yakata today. And you know what is most annoying? It’s the fact that I was expecting it, and I was so sure that my armor was in place. Then it happened and I still fell for it. Shallout to that bighead in my life that succeeded with fooling me today… More grease to your bag of tricks. But be warned! I don’t intend to fall again…

Keep calm it's April fools' Day
Image: Google

More: Is this ANOTHER April fool joke? Find out…

Lol. Yes guys, I was fooled today. Were you? Or did you do the fooling?

Once again, Happy New Month Folks… Jesus loves you!

Peace & Chocolate cake,


  1. Of course Mary, you are not alone. After fooling many others, I was fooled by the last person I expected and with the most silly thing ever! Lol!

  2. Of course Mary, you are not alone. After fooling many others, I was fooled by the last person I expected and with the most silly thing ever! Lol!
