Harmattan. The weather most
folks dread. What if I told you I like that time of year? Don't believe me 'patapata'; believe me
small. I like it when harmattan comes around because:
1. For an oily-skin person as myself,
harmattan is bliss. We don't get cracked skin like every other
person. With the right amount of petroleum jelly, we're good to go! It's a
welcome break from the norm of having to wipe excess oil off our faces every
now and then.
2. Super-fast 'Clothes-drying' time! Why? Because I have a syndrome. Dunno what
to name it but suffice it to say that the longer my clothes take to dry, the
higher the chances of me forgetting it on the clothes-line. With harmattan,
those chances are highly reduced.
3. I don't have to worry about sweltering
heat... just the dryness